“Stay Ashore” & “Standby Crew”

Hi All,

Please note that we will start using the crew position “Stay Ashore” and “Standby Crew.”

If assigned as “Stay Ashore” it means you are not assigned to race during the particular event.

If assigned as “Standby Crew” it means you are not assigned to race but you may still be needed.

We may assign folks as “Standby Crew” for events that are more than one week away when actual availability of crew is less than clear.  As an event gets closer, the assignment may shift to that of crew or “stay ashore.” In the event we might need someone to be on-call or at the dock as “standby crew,” we intend to communicate that need and confirm a willingness to help out by phone.

I apologize for any miscommunication prior.  We are still getting used to the new website.



As always, feel free to call or text 401-318-0193.

Permanent link to this article: https://marquise.crew-mgr.com/stay-ashore-standby-crew/

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