58 Riverside Dr
Tiverton, RI 02878

Boat will be at the Boat House or Tiverton YC Saturday morning. I will email location on Friday night. Be at boat 0830 sharp Saturday morning for a 10am start off Hog Island. Party at Tiverton YC after race, then some help needed to do evening sail back to Newport.
Hi tide 1007, Low tide 1519 – current out of bay building during leg south, and hopefully we hit the tide turn when we head north.
We’ll start by Hog Island
Website: http://twentyhundredclub.org/race-page/
Registered: Yes Fees Paid: Yes
Be at Tiverton YC - Sat June 30th @ 8:30AM EDT
Club Website: Marcus CochranRace Results: 6 of 8
Post # 46
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